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Updated: Jan 11

2023 was a momentous year for the lab: We worked hard on our Mylpf R15, won the COBRE, our first two Master's students graduated, and Tayo passed his Comps!

12/19 onwards: Some quiet time for writing, reading, research, and even relaxation.

12/18/23 Clarissa hosts the COBRE crew for an end 'o year brunch

12/15/23 All grades turned in and a semester wraps on Bio336/Bio597. Wipes sweat from brow. Phew- what a semester!

11/30/23 Jared is treated to a tour of the local salmon facility by Halli Bair

11/16/23 Tayo Adekeye successfully defends his PhD proposal. Congratulations Tayo, you're now "All But Dissertation"!

10/25/23 We have the first day of the Maine Medicine Symposium - only the first day because on Day two, there was a mass shooting in Lewiston Maine, which threw us all into a state of alert and shutdown.

10/12-14/23 Jared attends the first annual COBRE retreat at MDIBL. Thanks so much to Mary Baylies and the other mentors and advisors for coming out participate! Upon our return, the team was honored at UMaine's homecoming game.

10/1-5/23 Jared Talbot attends the Zebrafish Disease Models Society meeting in Durham NC. Many good takeways from the conference :)

8/21/23 Tayo Adekeye succeeds at his candidacy exam *while* feeling under the weather! Great job Tayo!!! You've worked so hard for this.To celebrate, Tayo, Jared, and Teresa went to a nice seafood place on 8/23... *after* Tayo was healthy again :)

8/16-18/23 Jared Talbot attends the Northeast Regional Idea Conference (NERIC) at Wilmington Delaware.

8/4/23 Carla Rodriguez-Medio presents a well-received talk on her summer INBRE project at the MIDBL retreat

7/28/23 Emily Tomak defended her Master's thesis just a day after 7/27/23 when Teresa Easterbrooks defended her Master's thesis!!! So proud of these two students, who gave excellent oral presentations, carefully crafted written reports, and showed that they knew their stuff. Wishing them both the very very best as the move forward. Kudos to Lauren to setting up a lively celebration for Teresa, to Teresa for setting up an exuberant reception for Emily, and to the whole lab for coming out for a wonderful dinner together once everything was all wrapped up.

6/7/23 Hey cool, our pectoral fin muscle image is prominently displayed on UMaine's new COBRE website :)

6/5/23 We welcome back Troy Hupper and Lauren Dumont for an exciting summer of research :)

5/31/23 We welcome our new INBRE summer student, Carla Rodriguez-Medio!

5/11/23 I walked in this morning to find that the lab set up a shiny birthday door :) Thanks Teresa/Tayo/Anaïs! This is a great start to a new trip around the sun.

5/10/23 I call a wrap on grades for another semester of Bio450. *wipes sweat from brow* Phew- another 20 capstone projects in the bag.

5/6/23 Four years ago I started my lab, and within a month Sadie Waterman joined our team. Today, she is graduating. Congratulations to Sadie on her very successful graduation. And thank you for your outstanding work in the lab, from receiving and inventorying supplies in 2019 all the way through a phenomenal honors-scale capstone project that merged independent research on Mylpf with histology in the Bio450 course for a beautiful and unique final product.

4/27/23 The lab rings in the end of the semester with a gathering at the Orono Brewing Company. An absolute blast to cap off an excellent term.

4/16/23 We bid adieu to Ryn Harrington and wish her the best in the next phase of her career.

4/14/23 Sadie Waterman presents an excellent poster on her capstone work at the 2023 UMSS

4/1/23 Dr. Talbot is invited to become an early career investigator leader on the Zebrafish Disease Models Society's muscle research interest group. Looking forward to interacting with ZDMS in the coming years :)

3/29/23 OH MY GOSH WE WON THE COBRE!!!!! Big changes to come- we can fund the lab AND four other labs at a high level AND get a new scope AND build a new fish facility. This is enormous! UMaine press release here. 3/20/23 The Nr5a2 craniofacial paper is published in Developmental Cell! Find it here. This was an excellent PhD project by Olivia Chen in Gage Crump's lab and I'm proud to have played a little role in their work.

2/2/23 The Talbot Lab sent out a recruitment flyer for new undergrads in their sophomore year- leading to several new students joining the team: Angelina White, Lauren Dumont, and Troy Hupper. Good to have you on board :)

1/3/23 Ryn Harrington begins work as our official labtech. Already, the lab's whiteboard is filling up with her checklists and plans for the upcoming year :)

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