12/20/19 - Mika completes her undergraduate degree. Congratulations! 12/12/19 - Lab Holiday party; everyone makes sarcomeres as Christmas ornaments.

12/12/19 - Our IBC protocol is approved! We can now work with recombinant DNA. 11/20/19 - Our first rotations student, Teresa Easterbrooks, begins work in the lab 11/14/19 - Marianthi Cala gives a presentation on zebrafish databases. 11/12/19 - We welcome our new undergraduate researcher Mika Gallati! 11/12/19 - We receive IACUC approval for our proposed research! 11/8/19- Brianne Romano is the first student to present at our lab meeting! 10/31/19 - Jared presents at Maine Zebrafish Symposium, MDIBL. 10/17/19 - First lab meeting & celebration of lab opening. 10/15/19 - We welcome a new undergraduate researcher Marianthi Cala! 10/15/19 - 294 Hitchner lab rennovations are completed; the move-in begins! 10/11/19 - We collected our first clutch of fish embryos! 10/8/19 - We welcome a new undergraduate researcher Brianne Romano! 10/3/19 - 294 Hitchner is vacated and preparation begins for our move-in 9/4/19 - After years of preparation, ZebraShare launches on ZFIN. Check it out:
9/1/19 – Welcome also to our new Top Scholar student, Sadie Waterman! 9/1/19 – Jared’s first official day at UMaine! 8/21-8/22/19 – New faculty orientation at UMaine!